New publication in The Journal of Pain

PEPR team members Kathleen Rice, Laura Connoy, and Fiona Webster have published a paper on women, marginalization and chronic pain.

July 18, 2024

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Congratulations to Kathleen Rice, Laura Connoy, and Fiona Webster on their publication in The Journal of Pain.

"How does gender shape the experience of chronic pain among marginalized women?"

Chronic pain affects women differently than men, but research often overlooks how gender and societal factors influence pain experiences and treatment. This study found that women facing economic hardship deal with unique challenges related to their chronic pain, including having their health concerns dismissed, struggling with poverty across generations, coping with past trauma and violence, and managing family care responsibilities. These findings suggest that healthcare providers and social services should consider gender-specific needs and trauma histories when treating chronic pain in women, which could lead to more effective and compassionate care.

View the article here:

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