CASPR (Critical Appoaches to Scholarship in Pain Research)
An international community of practice devoted to critical approaches to chronic pain.

A Space for Collaboration
The social dimensions of chronic pain are becoming increasingly noted in the literature. These dimensions include the conceptual lens of structural and systemic marginalization, including racism and ableism. However, the field itself is often lacking those with expertise in critical scholarship where arguably theoretical approaches to such issues have been developed over decades if not centuries. To this end, we have assembled a group of international scholars specializing in critical approaches to chronic pain.
CASPR - Critical Approaches to Scholarship in Pain Research - was founded in 2023 by Fiona Webster and Laura Connoy as an international community of practice. CASPR began through a process of individual letter writing and quickly grew to over 60 members across Canada, the United States, Europe and beyond.
For more information, visit CASPR's website:
2025 CASPR Conference
CASPR is hosting a one day conference at the Canadian Pain Society’s Annual Scientific Meeting in Toronto, Canada!