
Situating Meaningful Engagement Within Contexts of Precarity

Examining how precarious status noncitizen populations have been incorporated within patient engagement in chronic pain research initiatives

Engaging Precarious Status Noncitizens in Chronic Pain Research

This project aims to better understand the chronic pain experiences of marginalized noncitizen populations, specifically precarious status noncitizens. We will map the literature to better understand how this population has been incorporated within patient engagement in chronic pain research initiatives.

Our objectives are as follows:

  • Provide an overview of the literature on patient engagement in chronic pain research as it pertains to precarious status noncitizen populations
  • Through the lens of non/citizenship, call attention to how preconditions of recognition regarding the patient in chronic pain research may exclude those with precarious status
  • Offer recommendations on how we can facilitate meaningful engagement with precarious status noncitizens in contexts of chronic pain research


Laura Connoy

Dr. Susana Caxaj

Dr. Mehmoona Moosa-Mitha


Fiona Webster

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